Artsnacks Subscription Box #1

Artsnacks Subscription Box #2

All great products in this box! The bamboo brush is very soft, very different to the brushes I usually use or have tried before, am looking forward to playing around with it more. The brush pen is great, always love experimenting with those. The pencils and ink are great, too. Yay!
Even with the exchange rate and shipping for us in SA (they’re based in the US), it works out to a reasonable price if you consider the normal retail price of these materials, many of which aren’t readily available in SA, or at least not in any store in Durban, so would have to be imported anyway. Quality art materials are pricey!
Another great point is that they have excellent customer service. I had an issue once or twice with shipping and it was handled so promptly and efficiently that it was no problem at all. You can also cancel whenever you want, so you’re not locked into anything.
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