If you’re a Durbanite, you need to know about Beset Durban.
“BESETdurban aims to surround (or occupy) Durban through urban intervention by working towards the proliferation of culture and community through various spatial encounters. BESETdurban wants to promote Durban’s rich urban landscape and will place specific focus on revealing this landscape through various forms.”
They’ve been around for a little while and I unfortunately haven’t managed to attend any of their adventures, but I’m definitely joining their new Excursion series. In this series they’ll be visiting Durban spots you may have visited as a child on school excursions, and first up is the Natural History Museum! I love that place!
One of the best things about Beset Durban is that it’s always a walking tour. They meet at one spot and explore the chosen area completely on foot. Another great thing is that it’s totally free! So flipping amped to explore and hopefully meet some new fun people. If you’d like to come along, here are the details:
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