“I created www.PostcardHappiness.com in an effort to inspire people to get back into sending each other postcards. The digital age is wonderful and incredibly efficient but there’s something so special about receiving a physical postcard that was written by hand and posted by someone special. It makes us so happy and it lasts as long as the postcard does. There are two main branches to the website: The Postcard Happiness Project and Postick.
The Postcard Happiness Project is an ongoing initiative which makes it easy for anyone around the globe to send friendly postcards to strangers who could do with a little extra happiness. I add profiles of people who are experiencing challenging times and a link to their personal postal address. You can check in on the site every week or so and pick a person you’d like to send some friendly words to. You write them a postcard and send it and voila! You’ve made a complete stranger very happy with minimal effort.
Postick (which is part of this awesome giveaway) is a product I’ve recently developed out of pure necessity. Postick is my brand of sticky labels that look like the back of a postcard. You can stick one on the back of a printed photo, write your message and post it. Stick one on fabric off-cuts, illustrations, magazine cut-outs, bits of beautiful packaging… anything! So when you see something that reminds you of someone, keep it and send it with a Postick on the back and your written message. “
Here’s what you get:
Go forth and join the postcard revolution!