I used to subscribe to blogs and sites via email subscriptions, so I could get the lastest updates without having to always go to the actual site coz there were so many sites I liked, it’d take ages to go to each individual one.
Then I discovered RSS. Wow.
I’ve noticed that most people aren’t really aware of RSS feeds and what they do, but it’s such an awesome, superconvenient, simple thing that I think anyone who loves the net should know about and use. Here’s a little explanation:
RSS (Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication) is a format used to publish frequently updated works—such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video—in a standardized format. It works like this: you have a Feed Reader (like a program/application/site) which collects all the latest posts from any sites or blogs that you subscribe to. Therefore, all the latest posts are in one place for you to catch up on at your leisure, so you don’t miss anything.
There are several different feed readers, but I use Google Reader. Simply sign up and it’s really easy to get started. You can also ‘star’, ‘share’ and ‘like’ posts, all from the feed reader. It makes it easier to bookmark stuff that way as well.
Most sites have RSS feeds now. Look for the Rss icon >
Do it! 🙂